My photograph of Godwits in flight was chosen by Auckland Council, the Rodney Local Board and the community out of the numerous photos and subjects submitted as the photographic wrap to cover the entire back wall of the new Snells Beach toilet block.
I worked with Council for almost a year on this work as I suggested the story of the migration of these special birds was also incorporated in the design to tell their amazing story and educate people to the wonders of the birds we share our world with.
The photos below are the new toilets with the wrap, I also wrote the wording and worked with designers on the how the graphics would look so it didn’t look like a sign.
How can we save and appreciate the wonderful species we share our world with if people don’t know about them, we can’t.
I was shocked at how much time and work it took to do this however it has been a wonderful success in so many aspects.
The links below are to newspaper and Auckland Council articles about it.