For “Seaweek” 2020, launched from the 29th of February to the 8th of March I approached the Team at the Mahurangi East Library which is the hub of this community about my idea to clean up our stormwater systems.
Snells Beach sits on a peninsular with Kawau bay on one side and the Mahurangi harbour on the other, from cliff face to point the beach is around 2 kms long with a population in 2018 of 3405 however since then there has been large housing subdivisions developed and occupied.
There are a lot of tourists that visit Snells and also an industrial and commercial area where there is a “The Warehouse” bringing daily more out of area people.
I had noticed an increase in the amount of rubbish and toxins reaching our beach, stormwater ponds, which are home to five of our waterfowl species and harbour, something needed to be done.
I think its difficult for people to relate that the rubbish they drop when they can’t see the water actually goes into it, I believe its also the case with even washing a car on the road or driveway understanding this water also goes into the stormwater system reaching our bay, harbour and ponds, if they don’t see it they don’t think about it, having catastrophic consequences for the lives of so many of our native species.
I did 40 minute slideshow and presentation at the Library to launch Seaweek, showing some of our shorebirds, the special story of “Little Dott”, the Dottettes and sweet little Munchkin, the beauty, their personalities and the challenges they and our other species are facing with the pollution.
Unfortunately Due to Covid 19 and lockdown we have had to postpone our “Blue Fish” campaign however will be relaunching later this year.
Join us, How you can be part of this and help make a difference
Are you any good are graphics or design? We have a limited number of the Blue Fish which will go on high impact grates/areas however there are literally thousands of stormwater drain grates in Snells, I would like to see at least one sign in every street, walkway etc so my solution is making cool stencils and spray painting these on.
This is where you can be part of this and do something very special, can you design one or some stencils ? They can have a bird, or a fish, dolphin, frog, mermaid, all sorts, with short catch phrases like, Drains to Ocean, Keep it clean, Save us don’t pollute, there’s all sorts of possibilities. Are you able to help out in having these stencils made?

We will also need some people with power drills and bits to be able to attach the Blue fish to concrete.
It would be so fantastic if you could help in any way, if you would like to help or be a part of this please contact the Mahurangi East Library.