New permanent shorebird sign project
I am presently working with the SBRRA ( Snells Beach Resident and Ratepayers Association) to do a series of permanent signs that will sit on rock filled gabion baskets and be placed at intervals along the beach walkway boulevard featuring photographs and information about our more common species of shorebirds, migrations and banded birds.
They will be similar to this in style and will be funded by our community so we can have them how we would like them.
This is where you have an opportunity to help do something special You could be a sponsor, help out with graphics, materials or installation, please contact the SBRRA or myself
I was guest Speaker at the first SBRRA meeting for 2020 held on the 2nd of March, the topic – The Snells Beach shore birds and waterfowl including an update on our nesting NZ dotterels
The changes and loss of habitat over the last 40 years
This was a forty minute presentation followed by a q&a there was a high attendance , the audience included Greg Sayers Councilor for Rodney, Beth Houlbrooke deputy chair Rodney Local Board, deputy leader of the Act party, Megan Young, Biodiversity officer Auckland council, there were also other Auckland council members in attendance.
Projects I’m currently working on.
There is no longer any quiet high tide roosting or nesting areas left at Snells since the northern end farmland has been heavily developed with quite high density housing in places.
All tall roosting trees have also been felled and I am currently working with Auckland Council pushing my proposal to turn the area around the remaining stream and extending to the south of it at the northern end into a sanctuary for our birds.
I have also proposed a viewing educational hub so people can learn about them, photograph, study and enjoy them, this will also tie into the signs on the gabion baskets with our common species of birds that I am currently working on.
Out of a beach that is 2 kms from the cliffs at the south to the point at the north I am asking for approximately 80 meters be set aside for our declining, threatened shorebird and waterfowl species, to roost and nest.
The area for my proposed sanctuary is highlighted in red in the image below
Below, the area in red is the proposed new sanctuary area which will extend from just north of the stream mouth.
I am also proposing a new pathway is built in the reserve from the last footbridge on the western side of the stream, connecting with the existing path to access the beach north of the stream, it shall eliminate the need for any new bridge and will give a great viewing area to see the birds and panoramic view of the bay
Higher wildlife area status and protection for a pond with nesting Shags
I have met with council and they are working on this and also protection for the nesting trees in that area.
Increased wildlife recognition and Protection, Snells Beach and Sandspit, Deans Island.
I have recently discovered that even though there are numerous documents spanning back just on a decade requesting increased wildlife recognition, status and protection in these areas and it was my understanding there was, unfortunately researching this in August 2020 I have discovered there is absolutely none.
If there was protection and it has been removed or if it was never put on is not as important or urgent as getting these areas recognition as significant shorebird-waterfowl areas with appropriate protection and classification, I have contacted Council requesting urgent attention on this issue.
Hamatana Storm water catchment
I have put a proposal to Auckland Council to have the storm water pond planted to support our nesting waterfowl species that reside there
We discussed placing floating reed rafts for additional safe nesting areas and to continue with the educational signs as the new Te Whau walkway will pass close to them.
This will also tie in with my ” Blue Fish”campaign to clean up the stormwater
Snells Beach Sewerage Plant Upgrade
This is huge however I have put this proposal to Council and they seem very interested and feel its a great idea.
The Sewerage plant is being upgraded, there are two large settlement ponds however they are going to remove one of them as with the new treatment system the water will be of far better quality.
My proposal is to leave the redundant pond and have the area around it extended, landscaped and designed as another shorebird, waterfowl sanctuary with public access to viewing areas so they can enjoy our birds.
New Facebook page for our Birds
I’m about to start a FB page for our birds so people can get involved, learn, share photos, update any sightings and to be able to get and co-ordinate volunteers for our nesting birds as well as numerous other benefits and issues
I’m stuck on the name though, I was thinking “Snells and surrounds Shorebirds” SASS for short, however people keep talking to me about branding and my profile so now I’m not sure and I need to be able to earn money to sustain my work for the birds.
I need to do it urgently to set up volunteers for the coming season as the birds seem to be going to nest early, my area has grown as so many people from other areas turned to me for help, 7 days a week with no days off from early November through February burned me out.
I am thinking of extending the area as more people are turning to me for help with our birds.
What do you think Editor? any suggestions about the FB page name and the branding thing?
Books and Videos
Ive been asked to write two books about our birds and the story of Little Dott, one of the books for children and videos, numerous times by so many people, this is something I need to look at to possibly finance my work
SBRRA Website shorebird and waterfowl bird section
I am currently working with the SBRRA doing a lovely page on their website incorporating all our species of shorebirds and waterfowl, I am still working on this and more species will be added.
This is designed for people to be able to identify and learn about our species here.
This is the link
Sandspit roosting area, planting for buffer to stop disturbance on roosting/nesting site, filling in man made breakwater with fine stone to give safe roosting for shorebirds as they are now trying to roost in a carpark and being constantly disturbed, upgrade of dogs prohibited signs.
I am currently working on this with Council
Shorebird appreciation for great dogs and owners who care about and respect our shorebirds need for undisturbed roosting and nesting
This will be in the form of a pin worn by the owner or perhaps a bandanna for the dog, they will incorporate a bird to acknowledge their care and respect.
Hopefully this will raise awareness, encourage people to follow the dog laws and be a form of pride when worn.
Beach motorcamp, camping ground summer children’s shorebird program
If we can get children interested and learning about our shorebirds it would hopefully have a lifetime effect and also teach the adults and where are campgrounds mostly situated, by the beach.
My plan is to create a program which incorporates a talk and slide show, possibly a short movie, colouring competition, maybe face masks they can decorate and for special children that are very interested, deputy shorebird minder badges.
The above two concepts I have discussed with Council, they think its a great idea and will see how they can help.
I am hoping to get it started this summer however time and finances are a majorly short, fingers crossed.
Imagine if I could get these two projects launched nationally the impact they would have, when checking on my Dotterels at Martins Bay last season the children would see me arrive and run over to talk to me and ask so many questions, they were so interested.
One day when I was there, there was a group of children sitting on a hill way back from the dotterel nest with binoculars and a book, a little girl after talking to her had become so interested she had gone the next day and got a book about our birds and they were all studying them, they want to learn, we have a great opportunity.